Confirmation is a Sacrament of Initiation (with Baptism and the Eucharist) in which we are sealed with the Holy Spirit and enriched with a special strength. Confirmation deepens our baptismal grace, calling us to be witnesses of Jesus Christ and doers, not just hearers, of the Word. Its effect is continually strengthened in receiving the Eucharist.
"We can study the whole history of salvation, we can study the whole of theology, but without the Spirit we cannot understand. It is the Spirit that makes us realize the truth or, in the words of Our Lord, it is the Spirit that makes us know the voice of Jesus.” (Pope Francis)
For further information, contact the Rectory (973) 279-0250
Confirmación es un sacramento de iniciación (con el Bautismo y la Eucaristía) en la que somos sellados con el Espíritu Santo y se enriquece con una fortaleza especial. Confirmación profundiza nuestra gracia bautismal, que nos llama a ser testigos de Jesucristo y hacedores, no sólo los oyentes, de la Palabra. Su efecto se refuerza continuamente en la recepción de la Eucaristía.
"Podemos estudiar toda la historia de la salvación, podemos estudiar toda la teología, pero sin el Espíritu no podemos entender. Es el Espíritu que nos hace darnos cuenta de la verdad o, en palabras de Nuestro Señor, el Espíritu es el que nos hace conocer la voz de Jesús. "(Papa Francisco)
Para más información, póngase en contacto con la Rectoría (973) 279-0250
Saint Agnes Church offers a Confirmation religious education program consisted of two levels. This program requires two years of preparation. At the end of the second level, every candidate is required to take and pass two exams, one oral and one written, in order to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.
Registrations for the CCD Program open the first week of the month of August until the first week of September. Interested in registering your child for CCD? Click here for more information.